Building a Wildly Successful Nonprofit,
Based on a Heroic Mission, Backed by a Sound Business Plan
How would you feel going to work each day if you knew you could not fail?
If you knew that all of the resources you need to help the people you love and serve would be available to you that day and every day?
How would you feel?
Yep. Me, too.
Truly Successful Fundraising
Add a minimum of $5 million to your next 3-year budget, even if your current budget is less than $1M annually.
Raving Fan Donors
Attract and retain major donors (giving over $25,000 gifts) because they LOVE supporting your work and mission.
The Right Tools for the Job
End the vicious cycle of "never enough" time, resources, or staffing to do everything needed.
We work with an elite team of major gifts fundraising experts who have raised billions of dollars worldwide.
Find Out More
Find out what's possible for you and your organization, and see if you fit with KeyPatrons. Not every organization does. But isn't it better to know?
Disclaimer: Not all organizations are a good fit with KeyPatrons. Luckily, it only takes a few minutes to find out. And if we are not a good fit, I will try to refer you to someone who can help.
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